
Slowing Down & To-Do Lists.

Slowing down has never come easy to me. 
When we found out we were expecting Ruthie, I honestly didn't think my life would change much. I mean I knew we would have a baby to take care for, nurture, love, and raise in the light of the Gospel.. but I thought life would carry on about the same. Ruthie would just be with us. 
And on some occasions this is true. And on most occasions, this is not true.

And that is just fine. 

I'm learning. 

I'm learning that it is okay to not leave the house the whole day. 
I can just be home cleaning, cooking, and cuddling and caring for Ruthie. 
I can just spend the day trying to figure out how to make this apartment feel more like home. 
I can just spend most of my day meal planning and couponing. 
I can just enjoy being at home and being simple, taking care of my family.
And all of these things do not make me less of anything. 
Just because my priorities have changed doesn't mean I am less productive or that what I do at home isn't as important as being out in the world every day.

The more I am out and about trying to pretend like I can live my life as I did before Ruthie, the more I realize things have changed. 
How I spend my time has changed. 
I have changed.
My priority is no longer trying to be out and about all day long, lugging my poor, sweaty-in-her-carseat-baby every where, trying to hit every errand on my list. 
There are days when I must get things done, but I am learning to take it in stride, and if I don't get to something that day, it really can wait. 

Because Ruthie comes before any to-do list. 

I'm praying to remember that every day now.


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