The Rummages.

What to say about us? We are young. In love. New parents to the sweetest baby girl, Ruthie. We have no idea what to do but trust in God's grace.

The name came to me one night while laying in bed. 
Trisha means Noble 
(which I am far from being)
(but want to remember to strive to be like the noble woman from Proverbs 31) 
(okay... no more parenthesis). 
And I am my dear Mr. Rummage's baby mama, and our sweet Ruthie's mama. 
So.. it was an all-encompassing name that I want to strive to live up to..
Accountability, anyone?

Basically, I want to document our life on this blog and also showcase my etsy prdoducts. 
So.. follow along? K, great!


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