
A Must Read.

So I have had it on my heart to bring awareness to some causes and people that God is using in a great way. First up is my sweet friend Laura. If you don't know this girl, you are missing out. We met when I was OU for a semester and I am so thankful for her friendship. Although I haven't seen her in forever because we are never in the same country haha (although she did skype in to see our wedding from London last year), she is a someone that influences me in her love and service for Jesus. God is using her to make such a difference in the lives of many. She has been living and working in Haiti for the past year working with 3 Cords and Mission of Hope. [Go HERE to learn more about 3 cords. I can't wait to order one for Ruthie}. Although the Lord has blessed and used her immeasurably through her time there, she is feeling Him leading her in a different direction. Here is the newest update.

"Unbeknownst to me, He has been using these past 7 months to prepare me for something different here in Haiti.

For the past month, I have been led into this season of great restlessness. Through a combination of people I've met... conversations that have been had… prayers that friends have come to me with…the reality that I have not been fully listening to the direction of the call...

I was still forming my own 'plan' while working at Mission of Hope to start something like this in Haiti - and last week the LORD shut the door for me. So much quicker than I imagined, but I am so thankful.

I have found myself at a crossroads.

Here’s the backstory:

In 2009, I spent the summer in Nicaragua working with children in Esteli. I ended up teaching English to children who could not afford to go to the national schools. I met a precious girl named Estelle* who was 12 years old. Her story changed my life. She was sold by her father & had been brought back and forth across the Costa Rica / Nicaragua border to be purchased for sex. Every night.  I know that we have all heard this kind of story before. But this was not only a moment in my life that taught me about the world, myself, and evil.
It was the moment that I realized my purpose. 

Through helping start LightForce International Ministries (www.lightforceintl.com), completing a thesis on trafficking in the Ukraine, and studying to be certified in the 'Safeguarding of Children' at ECPAT's International headquarters in London... my passion for justice in this industry has not come to relent.

When I came to Haiti in March 2012, this was the LAST thing I thought I was going to see... the last thing I was looking for.
Until I met a 14 year old who has the same story as Estelle.
Her story is why I came back to. 

Working for 3 Cords is more than I could have ever asked work working in the prevention side of sexual abuse. Empowering mothers to have jobs so that they don't have to say YES to the option of selling themselves or their children to be abused. But the main problem in Haiti is not only is there no governing / policing force or advocating for the illegal, un-consensual, exchange of a child for sex - children don't understand abuse.

My heart aches for children all over the world. And this problem is a GLOBAL issue. But as I have discovered, there are no organizations working against this in this country due to the lack of a governing force. He is asking me to fight.

I have NO idea what this is going to look like. I have NO idea what the next step is here. And I am fighting so many voices of  Laura, just come home...’  ‘Laura, what’s your plan…’   ‘Laura, what’s next!?!’ 

But I’m decided. And I’m clinging to the promise that God’s plan prevails over mine ALWAYS. In prayer, He will lead me to what’s next. Right now He is bringing me through a testing of faith. How much am I REALLY willing to let go of? Am I TRULY willing to give him my EVERYTHING?

So, friends, I welcome you to this new journey. I welcome you to a new season. I am excited to share with you what is next, once I get there! These next few weeks, I am going to take time to rest. Time to process. And most importantly…TIME.TO.PRAY.

I have felt so supported & loved thus far. This is such a blank canvas for God to paint. An open table just sitting and waiting for ideas and heart-thoughts. And I will wait on HIM before moving forward in anything.

You Sister in Christ"

If you have made it this far in this post, I want to propose something.
Let's help. Let's fight with Laura.
Keep her and this country in your prayers, asking the Lord to clearly and unmistakably lead her. 
Also, I really want to help support Laura during this transition of wherever the Lord is leading. Any sales from my ETSY SHOP will go to helping Laura during this time of planning and seeking the Lord for the next step. Message me or contact me for a custom order or sizing. I will be adding new headbands this week also.

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies - in order that in everything God may be glorifies through Jesus Christ. To HIm be the glory and dominion forver and ever. Amen." 
1 Peter 4:10-11


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