
Short Legs and Bad Breath.

Lately the only thing I can think of is that there really is no new idea.

There really is nothing new to contribute to the world that hasn't been already given.

I have nothing new or unique to offer.


I am not sure why I have been in that place.. probably because I have been making baby headbands in a sea of baby headband makers, and I have been writing on this ol' blog in a sea of blog writers.

But that doesn't mean I can't be unique, right?

Makes me think of how GOD creates and designs people. I picture Him as a chef.

A little of this.
A little of that.
Some spunk.
Short legs. 
Some extra bad morning breath.
My creation.


And you know what He says?


A good Creator doesn't make bad things.
We bring the bad all on our own.
But the unique part of who we are crafted to be ... good goals, good and godly ambitions and traits...
I believe these are instilled in me by my Maker to bring Him glory.
Even if there are tons of other short legged, bad breath breathing 23 year olds out there... He took the time to put me together to live on this earth during this time to make baby headbands, to write on this  blog, to be a wife to Sam, to raise a kingdom-minded Ruthie...

He made me.

And this is one reason why I have always loved making things. Finding new purposes for things. Making things from scratch. He allows me to create a smidgin' like He creates. And find the satisfactory that comes with making something out of nothing. Like He did. 

I realize why He takes pleasure in me so much. 
Not because of who I am, but what He has made. 
What He has wrought with His words. 
Who He crafted me to be for Him.

The Ultimate Craftman.

This is encouragement to my heart and maybe to someone else. You and I are made for a purpose right now. 

So dream on.


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