
fall styles.

i have been loving getting the chance to make some fall inspired bows and headbands. check them out!




i love doing custom orders! can't wait to get started on some Christmas bows!


10/11 Week Ruth.

I failed last week to get up her 10 week photos because we were traveling (sorry family!). Here is she is in all her cuteness!



the pictures are all scrambled... I can't figure out how to make it all neat and I am in a hurry because we are going out of town again this weekend too lol 
Ruth weighs about 12 pounds now. She is starting to make lots of noise..gurgles and squeals! She is still smiling all the time and is still sleeping lots! She slobbers a lot and has started really liking to chew and play with her Sophie toy. She would nurse every hour if she could and is starting to get cute little rolls on her arms and legs. She is still content with laying and looking and hitting her dangling toys on her mat. She loves outside and the water! She also likes riding in the car and cries when we are stopped at a stop sign or red light lol 

I can't say enough how thankful I am to be home taking care of my sweet baby. This take lots of sacrifice and effort on mostly my husband's part, and I can't thank the Lord enough for making this possible. She is growing and changing so much and I couldn't imagine not having this front row seat :) just yesterday I was laying down with her for her nap and starting playing with her hand. This same hand that was in my belly. This same hand that has grown and changed so much in the short 11 weeks, and the same hand that we are praying will love and serve others. Now, I know this is a lot of pictures and I, by no means, want to make an idol out of a baby or put this little human on a pedestal. Because she is a little sinful human being and we pray every day that God would save her soul and impart His grace, but along those same lines.. in a culture where babies are thrown away every day... I choose to rejoice in what God calls a blessing. And a sweet blessing she is :)



Heyyyyyy... It's been awhile. 

But I'm still here.

Not a lot new happening around here... still getting use to everything. Still trying to get into a routine. Still trying to keep up with the laundry. Still trying to be content.

Isn't that dumb??

Here I am.. new baby, sweet husband, roof over my head, risen Savior. Yet I am not content. I want more. I want better. I want.

And it is wearing me out and convicting me. I am so glad Jesus never leaves me the same. Especially when I don't make time for Him and when I am an ungrateful brat. 

I have mentioned before that my husband is in Seminary. This is great! But can come with some things that we have had to work through. For starters... we sometimes feel like we are in a holding pen. He is learning, learning, learning for like this future life that we have ahead of us... ministry. Which seems so stupid because we are already involved in a church here and we are actively involved in a ministry here. But the time will come when Sam graduates, and in our minds, we will hopefully be placed in a church where Sam will serve in some capacity and where our family will serve alongside him. But for now.. we are invested in our church but we struggle with being content in this season, waiting on the future to play out.
 And that's just it. This is a season.
A season of growing and learning.
Learning that we should not be waiting for this "magic ministry" to begin once seminary is complete, but serving and loving people now in what seems like our "holding pen".
Learning to be content and thankful for our VERRRRYYYY nice seminary apartment instead of wanting a house.
Learning to love the home decor that I have and looking for ways to repurpose and make our apartment feel more homey.
Learning to be okay with staying home and eating simple meals instead of going out to dinner and a movie at Movie Tavern (yumm)
Learning that we have all our needs met, and then some.

Lots of things to work through. But mostly, I am learning a really big lesson since becoming a mother.
When I think about my spiritual life... I feel discouraged. I want to know more and be able to comprehend the Bible and church history better. And this takes lots of time and diligence (C'MON, CHRISTIANS! WE CAN DO THIS!), and when I start to get discouraged and start to not want to read and study, this is the convo I have in my head..

"How will you ever be a good mother and be able to teach your children how to love the Lord when you don't know His Word yourself? You must get into God's Word in order to be a better wife and mother."

And this is good.

And this is bad.

My motive is so bad.

I want Ruth {and future children, if so blessed} to be able to see Christ in me, and I want to be able to teach them His Word, but this is totally the wrong heart motive. I should, first and foremost, want to study and learn His Word because I love Him and want to know Him more. 
So convicting.

So here I am. Praying that He would help me to love Him better. That He would teach me to know Him better and to give me a passion for Him without needing any reason behind it. Just to know Him.

Because He really is what this life is about. And He really is real and true and full of grace. Jesus was a real man that came and died for the sins of the world and conquered death. His truth is real and active, and I am so thankful He never quits.

I can't help it. She's so cute!


8 Week Ruth {& Ramblings}

Okay. So I am behindddd. On a lot of things. 
To preface this post I will say that I never thought I could break so many things in my life.
In the past few weeks I have broken our Brita pitcher, a pair of shoes, some earrings, MY LAPTOP, and my hair.

Hence why I haven't been blogging as much. A half-drunken cup of coffee found my keyboard last week, and my life will never be the same. 
Okay.. that's a little dramatic, but really.. I have no macbook of my own and am forced to share with husband, who has me on lock down (read: no liquid of any kind within 20 feet of any electronic. He is such a techie :)

Anywho. Ruth turned 8 weeks last Friday. I cannot figure out where my time is going. Like...I mayyyy already have baby fever again because I feel like she was a newborn for like two seconds. Wahhhh!

She's so sweet. She is my biggest fan, for sure, and has decided that she needs me to hold her for every nap. Which I am okay with. Which is why I am up at 1 am cleaning our house haha. She likes the moby wrap a lot, she smiles so much, is so long and skinny and strong (she can now sit for a bit in her bumbo), and has really started interacting  more with toys (especially her play mat with the dangly things). She is still nursing like a champ, and weighed exactly 11 pounds last week. She likes to hold our hands and kicks like crazy when she hears her daddy on the phone while he is at work. We can't get enough of her! 

I breifly mentioned breaking my hair. Yeah... spur of the moment change ended up with bright red hair, which was fine for a few seconds...and then I washed again and it turned like four different colors. Then I put a brown on it.. so it's like red-brown now. Better than it was and perfect for fall :) I think my honey needed a change (as did I), and we both really like it!

Have I mentioned how much I love my husband?? I do, so much. He is really starting to get a hang of and love Seminary. I can just tell this about him without him saying it. I can also see so much growth in his life lately, spiritually and mentally. 
Love Love Love.

I am working on more stuff for my etsy shop. I have actually been doing pretty well at it and really enjoy this as an outlet for creativity and 'me-time' (and extra money :). I didn't know how important this would be until Ruthie came along. I love every second with her and Sam, but I also realize that I need some time to breath and pray and just reflect on who God is shaping me to be. And sitting and crafting something with my hands (and blogging) are a way to help me do this :)

Thanks for reading my late-night ramblings. I have been trying loads of new recipes lately and hope to share those soon! 


{no words for this}

Read THIS.



Listen to THIS.

And Pray.

I am so thankful that we were blessed with a baby girl and I pray that we would be careful with our words and actions when it comes to finding out the gender {or abnormalities} of our children, as believers.

 And I pray that we would pray for countries like India and China AND AMERICA that are killing and enslaving children every day. EVERY DAY.

This is ramblings from my mind & heart today. There's more I want to say about this topic, & hopefully soon I will have my thoughts more together to be able to write, but I will end with this...

How pro-life are you as a Christian, really?

{reminders for myself}


Slowing Down & To-Do Lists.

Slowing down has never come easy to me. 
When we found out we were expecting Ruthie, I honestly didn't think my life would change much. I mean I knew we would have a baby to take care for, nurture, love, and raise in the light of the Gospel.. but I thought life would carry on about the same. Ruthie would just be with us. 
And on some occasions this is true. And on most occasions, this is not true.

And that is just fine. 

I'm learning. 

I'm learning that it is okay to not leave the house the whole day. 
I can just be home cleaning, cooking, and cuddling and caring for Ruthie. 
I can just spend the day trying to figure out how to make this apartment feel more like home. 
I can just spend most of my day meal planning and couponing. 
I can just enjoy being at home and being simple, taking care of my family.
And all of these things do not make me less of anything. 
Just because my priorities have changed doesn't mean I am less productive or that what I do at home isn't as important as being out in the world every day.

The more I am out and about trying to pretend like I can live my life as I did before Ruthie, the more I realize things have changed. 
How I spend my time has changed. 
I have changed.
My priority is no longer trying to be out and about all day long, lugging my poor, sweaty-in-her-carseat-baby every where, trying to hit every errand on my list. 
There are days when I must get things done, but I am learning to take it in stride, and if I don't get to something that day, it really can wait. 

Because Ruthie comes before any to-do list. 

I'm praying to remember that every day now.


Six Week Ruth.


My Sweet Baby.
You are now smiling A LOT. And in the past few days you have even let out some sweet, little sounds. 
Giggling and laughing is coming soon!
You are still nursing and sleeping like a champ...
growing, growing, growing!
You are about to grow out of your newborn cloth diapers.
You can still wear some newborn clothes, but 0-3 months are fitting well.
You FOR SURE know your mama's voice. 
And you like your daddy's beard.

We love you, Ruthie!


Short Legs and Bad Breath.

Lately the only thing I can think of is that there really is no new idea.

There really is nothing new to contribute to the world that hasn't been already given.

I have nothing new or unique to offer.


I am not sure why I have been in that place.. probably because I have been making baby headbands in a sea of baby headband makers, and I have been writing on this ol' blog in a sea of blog writers.

But that doesn't mean I can't be unique, right?

Makes me think of how GOD creates and designs people. I picture Him as a chef.

A little of this.
A little of that.
Some spunk.
Short legs. 
Some extra bad morning breath.
My creation.


And you know what He says?


A good Creator doesn't make bad things.
We bring the bad all on our own.
But the unique part of who we are crafted to be ... good goals, good and godly ambitions and traits...
I believe these are instilled in me by my Maker to bring Him glory.
Even if there are tons of other short legged, bad breath breathing 23 year olds out there... He took the time to put me together to live on this earth during this time to make baby headbands, to write on this  blog, to be a wife to Sam, to raise a kingdom-minded Ruthie...

He made me.

And this is one reason why I have always loved making things. Finding new purposes for things. Making things from scratch. He allows me to create a smidgin' like He creates. And find the satisfactory that comes with making something out of nothing. Like He did. 

I realize why He takes pleasure in me so much. 
Not because of who I am, but what He has made. 
What He has wrought with His words. 
Who He crafted me to be for Him.

The Ultimate Craftman.

This is encouragement to my heart and maybe to someone else. You and I are made for a purpose right now. 

So dream on.


Wedding Ideas.

Hello lovely ladies (and gentlemen :)

My sweet, little fam went back to the town we got married in this weekend, which happens to be my husband's hometown. We visited family and celebrated his dad's 60th birthday! It was really fun to be back at the church we said our vows in a little over a year ago! It made me think of a few things that I wish I had been reminded of when I was planning last year.

First things first:

  • Our wedding was not {fancy} by any means, but it was very special to us!
  • I should note that we spent around $4,000 for everything, including my dress and our honeymoon. It can be done!

       1. USE COUPONS!!! 
For real. This saved my booty. Michael's, Jo-Anns, and Hobby Lobby have coupons every week, so use them. Even Bed Bath & Beyond may have something you need and they have a coupon every week. Jo-Anns now accepts more than one competitor coupon at a time, so you can go in with all of their 40% coupons that they offer every week on your phone and save some serious dough!
 No lie, I worked at Michael's through part of our engagement so I would use a coupon every time I worked to buy burlap garland. ONE AT A TIME! And I needed 20. When I would be out with friends, we would have to make a trip there because they only accepted one at a time! This may sound silly, and you're probably wondering why I would do that, but consider this. 

20 garland roll times $5.99 equals $119.80.
20 garland rolls times about $3.60 equals $72!
That's about $50! And when you are trying to be frugal, you can't be wasting $50 when you could use coupons. And when you have months to plan, you have time to buy one at a time :)

This could also spark some creativity! Because if I have a coupon for a place, I am going to use it! And you may walk around and find something that you could do instead because it's cheaper than another option.

I really like this for two reasons. Supporting small business and people you know it just nice. Those who own small businesses or have a craft that they could share usually work really hard! And it is nice to support them. And also, they are significantly cheaper than big business. I was thinking about this yesterday... There was a lady right down from the church where we married that made cupcakes out of the back of an antique shop. I ordered 7 dozen and they were beautiful!!  I think we spent like $6 a dozen...and she delivered! Wonderful to do business with. My husband also knew a girl from college that could make and decorate cakes really well. She made our two small wedding cakes (They looked exactly as I wanted them!) and she made the double layer chocolate chip Groom's Cake. We spent $200! Our photographer was a sweet friend of mine. We paid her $100 to take our photos and she got some great experience out of it! I did our flowers with my bridesmaids because I love floral arranging. We ordered our flowers from Sams and made a stop at Homeland to pick up more. I saved SERIOUS money doing this and it is a fun memory from our wedding when all of us girls were designing our own bouquets :)

A big part of our savings. I wanted lots of different plates for our reception. So I borrowed and I went to goodwill. They gave me about 100 plates for $10 because I asked them what they could do for me! Insanely cheap. I am also very sentimental and I used things from our grandparents, like old watch pieces, the tea set, the crystal punch bowl, and the drinking goblets. It meant a lot that they were from our family. I also saved lots of jars and decorated them for flowers and used old books for centerpieces that were borrowed from Sam's sister. Not to mention several other borrowed things.If I had wanted, the church had vases and silk flowers to use. Don't be afraid to ask to borrow!!! 

     4.  CHEAPER HONEYMOON. (If you need/have to).
I will not lie, this one was reallllyyy hard for me. We really wanted to go to Seattle, but it just was not in the budget. So we went to Frisco, TX.. and IT WAS THE BEST!!! We had such a great time and did not spend a lot of money.
I mean, let's be real, most of your honeymoon is already planned {ahem..}. We felt like because we didn't spend a lot of money to travel to a far place, we could just be lazy. We went to a movie, spent an afternoon in Barnes and Noble and Ikea (two of our fav places), we ate at local restaurants and places we normally couldn't afford to eat because we had extra money. It was really nice to just have time together to enjoy our favorite things without being in a rush. Not to mention he had to be at work sooner than we expected and we had been traveling back and forth to Oklahoma for months for wedding prep. It was so nice to just BE. We got home a few days early and we settled down before real life began. And we do not owe a penny on our honeymoon.
Eating at Olive Garden on our Honeymoon.
Just because you do not have $20,000 to spend on a wedding does not mean that it can't be a nice wedding. It does not mean that you are less. It does not mean that your wedding will not be meaningful. It DOES mean that you may have to work harder for what you want and picture your day to be. 

I remember walking down the isle after we were married and thinking, "That's it! We are married?!!" 
Ater all, it is just saying covenantal words and giving your life to another! Nothing else really matters. 
Don't be ashamed that you can't have all the glitter when the day really is about giving yourself to spend all your days with that one person, and together, honoring and showing Christ with your marriage.


“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
Ephesians 5:31


Friday's Song.

This song just came on while I am getting Sam off to work. What a great thing to hear before the weekend!

Happy Friday :)


Being Still.

I got in a fight today... with myself. 

Sam went off to work, and then I sat there with my cup of coffee in hand. What to do? Hmm.. I could go back to sleep. I could fold the laundry. I could do the dishes. I could tackle more of my To-Do list. Or I could read my Bible and spend some quality time with Jesus. 

Honestly... at first, I almost just go up to fold laundry.

Why is that? Why is it such a struggle to sit and read God's Holy Word and spend quality time with the Maker of the Universe? Sometimes it feels like we HAVE to and not that we GET to.. by His grace alone.

It's like making yourself do homework when you would much rather clean your whole house than sit and do your work..

This is what made me so mad at myself.
Being with Jesus is not work and it should never feel like it is.

I have had the hardest time lately in just... being still. Quiet. Before God and leaning into Him for my needs. And ya know what?

Ya can tell. 

My husband can FOR SURE tell that I haven't been sitting with Jesus and being still. Not that I start beating him and drinking or anything that 'bad', but sin is sin, and I am shorter with him and serving him seems more of a chore than an overflow of my heart.
And yes, I pray and glance at some Scripture and think through it daily. 
But there is a big difference in that and sitting and intimately opening your heart before the Lord and learning from Him. 
And that's what I had been missing.

I did not get up and do the dishes. Or laundry. Or anything else that ultimately would have no eternal value for my soul in that moment.
No, the right choice was to open my Bible and learn. And let Him teach and heal and do whatever He was going to do.
And I will never have a moment where I am obedient to Him that I regret. Nope. He is life-giving and life-changing.

Oh, and Ruthie was a sweet, little model for me today. Look at this face!


A Must Read.

So I have had it on my heart to bring awareness to some causes and people that God is using in a great way. First up is my sweet friend Laura. If you don't know this girl, you are missing out. We met when I was OU for a semester and I am so thankful for her friendship. Although I haven't seen her in forever because we are never in the same country haha (although she did skype in to see our wedding from London last year), she is a someone that influences me in her love and service for Jesus. God is using her to make such a difference in the lives of many. She has been living and working in Haiti for the past year working with 3 Cords and Mission of Hope. [Go HERE to learn more about 3 cords. I can't wait to order one for Ruthie}. Although the Lord has blessed and used her immeasurably through her time there, she is feeling Him leading her in a different direction. Here is the newest update.

"Unbeknownst to me, He has been using these past 7 months to prepare me for something different here in Haiti.

For the past month, I have been led into this season of great restlessness. Through a combination of people I've met... conversations that have been had… prayers that friends have come to me with…the reality that I have not been fully listening to the direction of the call...

I was still forming my own 'plan' while working at Mission of Hope to start something like this in Haiti - and last week the LORD shut the door for me. So much quicker than I imagined, but I am so thankful.

I have found myself at a crossroads.

Here’s the backstory:

In 2009, I spent the summer in Nicaragua working with children in Esteli. I ended up teaching English to children who could not afford to go to the national schools. I met a precious girl named Estelle* who was 12 years old. Her story changed my life. She was sold by her father & had been brought back and forth across the Costa Rica / Nicaragua border to be purchased for sex. Every night.  I know that we have all heard this kind of story before. But this was not only a moment in my life that taught me about the world, myself, and evil.
It was the moment that I realized my purpose. 

Through helping start LightForce International Ministries (www.lightforceintl.com), completing a thesis on trafficking in the Ukraine, and studying to be certified in the 'Safeguarding of Children' at ECPAT's International headquarters in London... my passion for justice in this industry has not come to relent.

When I came to Haiti in March 2012, this was the LAST thing I thought I was going to see... the last thing I was looking for.
Until I met a 14 year old who has the same story as Estelle.
Her story is why I came back to. 

Working for 3 Cords is more than I could have ever asked work working in the prevention side of sexual abuse. Empowering mothers to have jobs so that they don't have to say YES to the option of selling themselves or their children to be abused. But the main problem in Haiti is not only is there no governing / policing force or advocating for the illegal, un-consensual, exchange of a child for sex - children don't understand abuse.

My heart aches for children all over the world. And this problem is a GLOBAL issue. But as I have discovered, there are no organizations working against this in this country due to the lack of a governing force. He is asking me to fight.

I have NO idea what this is going to look like. I have NO idea what the next step is here. And I am fighting so many voices of  Laura, just come home...’  ‘Laura, what’s your plan…’   ‘Laura, what’s next!?!’ 

But I’m decided. And I’m clinging to the promise that God’s plan prevails over mine ALWAYS. In prayer, He will lead me to what’s next. Right now He is bringing me through a testing of faith. How much am I REALLY willing to let go of? Am I TRULY willing to give him my EVERYTHING?

So, friends, I welcome you to this new journey. I welcome you to a new season. I am excited to share with you what is next, once I get there! These next few weeks, I am going to take time to rest. Time to process. And most importantly…TIME.TO.PRAY.

I have felt so supported & loved thus far. This is such a blank canvas for God to paint. An open table just sitting and waiting for ideas and heart-thoughts. And I will wait on HIM before moving forward in anything.

You Sister in Christ"

If you have made it this far in this post, I want to propose something.
Let's help. Let's fight with Laura.
Keep her and this country in your prayers, asking the Lord to clearly and unmistakably lead her. 
Also, I really want to help support Laura during this transition of wherever the Lord is leading. Any sales from my ETSY SHOP will go to helping Laura during this time of planning and seeking the Lord for the next step. Message me or contact me for a custom order or sizing. I will be adding new headbands this week also.

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies - in order that in everything God may be glorifies through Jesus Christ. To HIm be the glory and dominion forver and ever. Amen." 
1 Peter 4:10-11


Four Week Ruth.

My sweet baby is now four weeks old.
Time,  slllooooowwww down.
Tonight as we read to her and prayed over her as she was falling asleep, I just had to voice it. God gave us such a blessing in Ruthie. He could have given her to anyone, but he chose to give us this sweet, eternal soul to care for on this earth. What a blessing and a responsibility! 
We love you, our precious Ruthie :)

{She is now well over 9 pounds. Loves bathtime and music. Nurses a lot during the day and sleeps up to 7 hours at night. Loves being cuddled and snuggled (especially by mama), but loves for her daddy to walk with her. She is strong and can hold her head up for awhile. She has her mama's crazy hair that won't lay down and her daddy's lips. Her blue eyes have already begun to lighten up. She loves to coo and be cooed to... 
Our Girl!}



Today is one of those days I just want to feel inspired.
Today is one of those days where I just don't feel inspired.
I want my fingers to write out exactly what my heart feels right now, but they just don't know the words.
Life is so different. Such a good different, but that doesn't mean it's an easy different.
No complaining is coming from my fingertips, just honesty.
I feel convicted in my last post to say that we are 'poor, poor seminary students' because in all actuality.. we aren't poor at all! We have clothes on our backs, food in our bellies, a roof over our head, and the Grace which we have been given through Christ. 

We are beyond RICH.

I remember reading something one day about how, as Americans, we really could never call ourselves "poor". Our poorest day is nothing in comparison to many people around the world. What about those people who have absolutely none of the things mentioned above? What if their children are naked and starving? What about them? My heart hurts when I think about how much I take for granted and how little I pray for those people and seek to help them. 

Lord, help us.
Help us to get out of these ruts of self-pity discontentment. 
Help us to get out of our lazy comfort zones.
Help us to seek You first.


Tuesday & Coffee. {recipe}

The title of this post was supposed to be 'Monday & Coffee', but alas, I have a baby and sometimes blogging just doesn't fit into my day.

Yes, Ruthie, I will happily rock you to sleep for the fifth time today. She is mama's girl :)

But back to coffee.

I really like coffee. Hot and cold.  And if anyone has known me for awhile knows that I use to have a slight obsession with getting my Starbucks and sitting for awhile (or Shades of Brown. LOVE that place. And Tulsa in general...) Sweet times in my life have involved a cup o' joe in my hand. Coffee is like a sweet, unopinionated friend :)

Back to ice coffee. I love it! But I am picky. It has to be sweet enough but not too sweet. And I KNOW when they put sugar-free syrup in my iced coffee... Baristas can't fool me!

BUT we are poor, poor seminary students. So spending $4.50 on a Caramel Frappe this summer has to cease!

So, although there are tons of different recipes out there, I hadn't found one that I liked because.. I'm picky. Plus they want you to make like 6 gallons of it and use cheesecloth..blah blah. I want to make one NOW!

So here's what you need...

-Half n Half (or milk)
-5-7 ice cubes
-Cool Whip (optional)

{Side Note: Yes, I am trying to eat better, and I know, without a shadow of doubt, that white sugar is processed and Cool Whip has High Fructose-Corn Syrup. But like I said..slight addiction. So I would rather make my own, cheap unhealthiness than buy Starbucks expensive unhealthiness. Get off me, bro}

Here's whatcha do...

  1. Make your coffee. Ya have to make it stronggg so if you are making 4 cups of coffee, where you normally put 2 scoops, put three scoops. Just add a scoop to your normal amount. Then Brew.
  2. If you are making it for the morning, put the amount of sugar and half n half in it that you prefer and put in refrigerator. If you want it NOW, put it in the freezer with sugar and half n half.
  3. Once it is cold, it's TIME! Take a blender and put in your ice cubes. This can vary on your preference. I put like 6.
  4. Add in 1 cup of coffee (you may have extra!), a bit more half n half, and a dollop (or two) of Cool Whip. 
  5. Blend.
  6. Voila'! You can add whatever you think you need. Not thick enough? Add more ice. Not sweet enough? Add more Cool Whip or sugar. Too strong? Add more half n half. You get it.
  7. And Enjoy! I am saving mine for a little pick-me-up this afternoon. I can't wait!
Let me know if ya try it! 




Things on my mind...

  1. I am pretty sure I have strep throat. Sam had it last week and now my throat is sore and I have a headache. All I want to do is snuggle and kiss my baby and now I have to keep my kisses to myself (for a few days).
  2. I made our menu for the month and I am so excited to start making everything.
  3. I made our menu for the month and I am so NOT excited to start making everything. I really want to get started, it is just hard to know where to begin. I am not making anything difficult, I just like to get some things pre-made or at least pre-put-together to make dinner time easier. I.WILL.PUT.THE.WHOLE.CHICKEN.IN.THE.CROCKPOT.SOOOOOONNNN.
  4. Sam and I have been watching Scrubs. We are on season 7 out of 9. We don't know what we are going to do when we finish. HELP US?!
  5. I need to make like 10 more headbands to put on my etsy shop and for baby gifts. 
  6. Why is it that I can think of things to do and feel unmotivated, but then I picture myself doing those things with a cup of coffee in my hand, and I all of a sudden am ready to start NOW! Coffee makes things better.
  7. I really need to be more consistent with my Romans Bible study. I have a wonderful commentary that helps, I just need to make more time.
  8. This weekend my in-laws came to visit and it was so good to see them and have them spend time with Ruthie. The house was clean during their visit (for the most part) and now it is toowww up! I just keep thinking that I would rather spend time with Sam while he is home than mop the floors. 
  9. I have got to stop drinking DR.PEPPER (as I sip on one now..). We went and bought nutritious food and then I come home and sip on high fructose corn syrup. God, help me!
  10. We have lots of bigger decisions coming in our family. I love it, but it can be hard. When did we become adults??

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