I admit. I have been MIA on this ol bloggy, and I may still be a hit or miss, but I wanted to write about baby girl turning 6 months old! After I started this blog, life really got crazy and I had to make some choices. Other things ranked higher on my list than this blog. So there ya go :)
That's half a year old. Booo Hooo :(
She is such a little sweetie and has a sweet personality (unless she is hungry or tired, and then watch out!) She did so well when we went to Oklahoma for two weeks and has been growing like a little weed. She was 16.9 lbs and 27 1/4 in. long last week at her check up. Long and lean :) She is sitting up, rolling around, getting up on her knees, jabbering like crazy, and playing with food. I am so thankful to sit center-stage at his little life that is my Ruthie Girl. God sure did bless us.
And speaking of God... He is so faithful.
It has been a year of questioning and questioning and discontentment and wondering...and He never budged. Not once. I found myself at a place spiritually that I was ashamed of (isn't sin ugly?!?!) and I came crawling back. He always renews and changes us. He shows us our selfishness, foolishness, and pride, and even though it hurts to see it, it feels good to realize and know that He is faithful and just to forgive. May we never be too ashamed to come crawling back. Sweet, sweet GRACE. Thank YOU, JESUS!
Hope this new year is full of blessings and love.