
fall styles.

i have been loving getting the chance to make some fall inspired bows and headbands. check them out!




i love doing custom orders! can't wait to get started on some Christmas bows!


10/11 Week Ruth.

I failed last week to get up her 10 week photos because we were traveling (sorry family!). Here is she is in all her cuteness!



the pictures are all scrambled... I can't figure out how to make it all neat and I am in a hurry because we are going out of town again this weekend too lol 
Ruth weighs about 12 pounds now. She is starting to make lots of noise..gurgles and squeals! She is still smiling all the time and is still sleeping lots! She slobbers a lot and has started really liking to chew and play with her Sophie toy. She would nurse every hour if she could and is starting to get cute little rolls on her arms and legs. She is still content with laying and looking and hitting her dangling toys on her mat. She loves outside and the water! She also likes riding in the car and cries when we are stopped at a stop sign or red light lol 

I can't say enough how thankful I am to be home taking care of my sweet baby. This take lots of sacrifice and effort on mostly my husband's part, and I can't thank the Lord enough for making this possible. She is growing and changing so much and I couldn't imagine not having this front row seat :) just yesterday I was laying down with her for her nap and starting playing with her hand. This same hand that was in my belly. This same hand that has grown and changed so much in the short 11 weeks, and the same hand that we are praying will love and serve others. Now, I know this is a lot of pictures and I, by no means, want to make an idol out of a baby or put this little human on a pedestal. Because she is a little sinful human being and we pray every day that God would save her soul and impart His grace, but along those same lines.. in a culture where babies are thrown away every day... I choose to rejoice in what God calls a blessing. And a sweet blessing she is :)



Heyyyyyy... It's been awhile. 

But I'm still here.

Not a lot new happening around here... still getting use to everything. Still trying to get into a routine. Still trying to keep up with the laundry. Still trying to be content.

Isn't that dumb??

Here I am.. new baby, sweet husband, roof over my head, risen Savior. Yet I am not content. I want more. I want better. I want.

And it is wearing me out and convicting me. I am so glad Jesus never leaves me the same. Especially when I don't make time for Him and when I am an ungrateful brat. 

I have mentioned before that my husband is in Seminary. This is great! But can come with some things that we have had to work through. For starters... we sometimes feel like we are in a holding pen. He is learning, learning, learning for like this future life that we have ahead of us... ministry. Which seems so stupid because we are already involved in a church here and we are actively involved in a ministry here. But the time will come when Sam graduates, and in our minds, we will hopefully be placed in a church where Sam will serve in some capacity and where our family will serve alongside him. But for now.. we are invested in our church but we struggle with being content in this season, waiting on the future to play out.
 And that's just it. This is a season.
A season of growing and learning.
Learning that we should not be waiting for this "magic ministry" to begin once seminary is complete, but serving and loving people now in what seems like our "holding pen".
Learning to be content and thankful for our VERRRRYYYY nice seminary apartment instead of wanting a house.
Learning to love the home decor that I have and looking for ways to repurpose and make our apartment feel more homey.
Learning to be okay with staying home and eating simple meals instead of going out to dinner and a movie at Movie Tavern (yumm)
Learning that we have all our needs met, and then some.

Lots of things to work through. But mostly, I am learning a really big lesson since becoming a mother.
When I think about my spiritual life... I feel discouraged. I want to know more and be able to comprehend the Bible and church history better. And this takes lots of time and diligence (C'MON, CHRISTIANS! WE CAN DO THIS!), and when I start to get discouraged and start to not want to read and study, this is the convo I have in my head..

"How will you ever be a good mother and be able to teach your children how to love the Lord when you don't know His Word yourself? You must get into God's Word in order to be a better wife and mother."

And this is good.

And this is bad.

My motive is so bad.

I want Ruth {and future children, if so blessed} to be able to see Christ in me, and I want to be able to teach them His Word, but this is totally the wrong heart motive. I should, first and foremost, want to study and learn His Word because I love Him and want to know Him more. 
So convicting.

So here I am. Praying that He would help me to love Him better. That He would teach me to know Him better and to give me a passion for Him without needing any reason behind it. Just to know Him.

Because He really is what this life is about. And He really is real and true and full of grace. Jesus was a real man that came and died for the sins of the world and conquered death. His truth is real and active, and I am so thankful He never quits.

I can't help it. She's so cute!


8 Week Ruth {& Ramblings}

Okay. So I am behindddd. On a lot of things. 
To preface this post I will say that I never thought I could break so many things in my life.
In the past few weeks I have broken our Brita pitcher, a pair of shoes, some earrings, MY LAPTOP, and my hair.

Hence why I haven't been blogging as much. A half-drunken cup of coffee found my keyboard last week, and my life will never be the same. 
Okay.. that's a little dramatic, but really.. I have no macbook of my own and am forced to share with husband, who has me on lock down (read: no liquid of any kind within 20 feet of any electronic. He is such a techie :)

Anywho. Ruth turned 8 weeks last Friday. I cannot figure out where my time is going. Like...I mayyyy already have baby fever again because I feel like she was a newborn for like two seconds. Wahhhh!

She's so sweet. She is my biggest fan, for sure, and has decided that she needs me to hold her for every nap. Which I am okay with. Which is why I am up at 1 am cleaning our house haha. She likes the moby wrap a lot, she smiles so much, is so long and skinny and strong (she can now sit for a bit in her bumbo), and has really started interacting  more with toys (especially her play mat with the dangly things). She is still nursing like a champ, and weighed exactly 11 pounds last week. She likes to hold our hands and kicks like crazy when she hears her daddy on the phone while he is at work. We can't get enough of her! 

I breifly mentioned breaking my hair. Yeah... spur of the moment change ended up with bright red hair, which was fine for a few seconds...and then I washed again and it turned like four different colors. Then I put a brown on it.. so it's like red-brown now. Better than it was and perfect for fall :) I think my honey needed a change (as did I), and we both really like it!

Have I mentioned how much I love my husband?? I do, so much. He is really starting to get a hang of and love Seminary. I can just tell this about him without him saying it. I can also see so much growth in his life lately, spiritually and mentally. 
Love Love Love.

I am working on more stuff for my etsy shop. I have actually been doing pretty well at it and really enjoy this as an outlet for creativity and 'me-time' (and extra money :). I didn't know how important this would be until Ruthie came along. I love every second with her and Sam, but I also realize that I need some time to breath and pray and just reflect on who God is shaping me to be. And sitting and crafting something with my hands (and blogging) are a way to help me do this :)

Thanks for reading my late-night ramblings. I have been trying loads of new recipes lately and hope to share those soon! 


{no words for this}

Read THIS.



Listen to THIS.

And Pray.

I am so thankful that we were blessed with a baby girl and I pray that we would be careful with our words and actions when it comes to finding out the gender {or abnormalities} of our children, as believers.

 And I pray that we would pray for countries like India and China AND AMERICA that are killing and enslaving children every day. EVERY DAY.

This is ramblings from my mind & heart today. There's more I want to say about this topic, & hopefully soon I will have my thoughts more together to be able to write, but I will end with this...

How pro-life are you as a Christian, really?

{reminders for myself}

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